Greetings Fellow Travelers,

On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, the people of the World will watch and participate in their individual and unique way as We, the Citizens of the United States of America swear in a new president, Barack Obama.

What I would like to share with you is the amazing vibrations that will be in effect on that particular day and how they pertain to the coming earth changes and shift in the collective consciousness. The Beings of the higher spiritual realms have been working hard in conjunction with the awakened and awakening beings of humanity to put into place all the help they can in order to aid humanity in our ascension into the next plane of existence.

First let’s look at the high vibratory rate being created and held in place by the numbers associated with this day. We’ll start at the bottom, if you will, with the single digit numbers and work our way up in vibration all the way to the level of triple numbers and their vibrations and lessons.

In the Gregorian calendar we follow as a society, Tuesday is the third day of the week, so already we are off to a good start. The number 3 is the number of Creativity, Self-Expression and the Joy of Living. It lends its energy to creating a very joyous, social and tasteful day of celebration.

Now let’s look at the year 2009 as a whole and what the vibrations of this year hold for us all.


The vibration of the number 2 lends its energy to Relationships, Cooperation and Peace, allowing for people to be diplomatic and adaptable. It helps us become more able to fuse different opinions and/or groups together in a gentle manner. It teaches us to gather information from all sides before taking a stand. That way we are much more likely to effect positive change for all instead of just the few. It shows us our relationship to self and the whole in a positive manner.

The vibration of the number 9 lends its energy to Selflessness, Humanitarianism and Compassion. It is attuned to the concepts of awareness and expansion of harmony and the brotherhood of humanity. The energy of this number is attuned to creating a more perfect group consciousness, one with the compassion necessary for sustaining a world of peace, love and harmony.

The two 0’s between these two numbers add their energy into creating a vortex of energy which propels the vibration upward, causing it to spiral into the vibrations of the number 11, allowing the whole to be greater than the sum of its parts.

The number 11 lends its energy to Revelation and Illumination. It holds open the energies of the transformation of the physical into the Divine. 11 seeks to express the higher consciousness of the Divine and to unite Spiritual Truths to the Material Plane.

(Also, the energy of the Master Number 11 is the higher vibratory rate of the number 2, i.e. 1+1=2.)

Those are the energies this year, 2009, affords us all as we make our way through it.

Inauguration day, 1-20-2009


1+ 2 + 11= 14/5

Now let’s look at these numbers and how they effect one another, us, and the planet as a whole. We have already taken notice of how the numbers 2 and 11 affect us and the vibrations they carry, so now let’s look at the number 1.

The Vibration of the number 1 lends its energy to the Attainment of Independence, Individuation, and the Will of our Individuality. This is the number of the courageous, strong-willed and ambitious leader. Yet one who is considerate of others, a good organizer and strong leader. One who is an original thinker and a pioneer.

Since this is an event associated with a country and not an individual’s numerology chart we are looking at, we need to understand this information is being given to each and every one of us individually as well as collectively.

Now let’s look at the 14/5 that is the sum of our numbers to this point.

The number 5 lends its energy to Constructive Freedom and Change. This is the number of progressive positive change. The number and vibration of Freedom, but Freedom that is positive, and constructive, energetic, flexible and adventurous.

What we need to look at now is the 14 behind the 5. This number shows us the Karmic Debt we as a collective need to, and now have the chance to, correct. It shows us that this Collective Karmic Debt developed from a misuse of freedom in the past. It was a freedom for self at the expense of others.

The 1 of the 14 indicates past self-centeredness and the 4, whose energy lends itself to Discipline, Limitation, Order and Service, indicates our irresponsibility and our lack of accountability in the past.

If we look at all of this information together we see a place in time and space where we can Constructively Change (5) the Karmic Debt (14/5) we have collective created. Collectively our overindulgence has brought us to the place we are today as a country and a planet. But now we have a chance to learn from our past experiences and not repeat them. The number 1 is showing us a new beginning for our selves and for our country, and for the world. The number 4 is showing us the basic structure of a new, clean and solid foundation from which to begin building anew, and the 5 shows us, and creates for us the vibration of change… a change that comes from, and with the positive and Constructive use of Freedom.

If we Individually, (1) aspire to attain our Independence from the negative actions of our past, working together in a Cooperative Relationship of Diplomacy (2) we can Express a Higher Consciousness, and through the Illumination of Self and the Group we can Unite Spiritual Truths to the Material Plane and Transform the Physical into the Divine. (11)

These are the lessons and information of the numbers associated with the date of the inauguration. Surely they give us much to ponder and if this was all that we could extract from the numbers associated with this time and event it would be plenty, but there is more. There is more because the Beings of Light, Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings, and all our Spiritual kin have been working over-time to aid us as we transition through this magnificent time in our planetary and cosmic history.

44th President

President Elect Obama will be and is, our 44th president. In numerology, repeated double-digit numbers are called “Master Numbers”. This is because they vibrate at a higher rate than do the single digit numbers. Master Numbers lend energy to, and create vibration at a higher level, thus giving us more to work with, if you will. The Master Number 44 creates energy conducive to forming and maintaining a positive Structured Power, and it aids in the building of group consciousness. This high level vibration aids with concentration and in maintaining our mental abilities. It aids us in learning to trust our inner voice and helps empower us as we learn to listen to our intuitive self, while at the same time helping us keep ourselves grounded in the physical world. This energy has the power to aid us in manifesting new modes of earning a living and bringing prosperity to all. (this is the association of the higher vibration of the number 8).

These are the main numbers and energies associated with the inauguration date of Barack Obama. As you can see we have much to be thankful for when it comes to the assistance we are being given as a mass consciousness. Surely this is inspiring to many that we are on the right track and headed for our much anticipated spiritual awakenment as a whole.

I would like to add a bit more information that will probably be seen as a bit less concrete to most, but still I feel led to share.

As I was calculating the numbers for this article and doing my preliminary writing in my head, my husband had the television on watching the inauguration festivities in Washington that have already started. Passing through the living room a couple of times something the commentators said caught my attention. I cannot offer these numbers as concrete fact because I did not verify them myself. What I can tell you, is whether these numbers are fact or not, I heard them and they caught my attention. I have been working with my Guides long enough to know that this is a method they use often to give me information. Especially when I am busy with 3D life and chores and can’t get to the computer or a pen and paper. So… with that in mind I offer you this added information.

These energies would be much less prominent, but would add an undercurrent to the energies we have already discussed.

Supposedly the train ride that Mr. Obama took on his way to Washington, the one that was the same as the ride President Lincoln took himself when he was elected President, was 137 miles in length. 1+3+7=11.

So here we are again presented with the Master Number 11, adding more of its energy to this auspicious occasion. We have already spoken of the vibrations associated with the numbers 1,3, and 11, so let me just touch briefly on the vibrations of the number 7. (Also, President Lincoln was our 16th President, 1+6=7).

The vibration of the number 7 creates and lends its energy to aiding us in Analysis and Understanding with Wisdom and Detachment. When the higher mind is tapped it feeds and opens us to the hidden mysteries of the Universe as we seek the deeper truths.

The next numbers I’ll present were numbers I also heard from the television as I passed through the living room. The commentator was announcing that the projected weather for the day in Washington, D.C. was 33 degrees, with a 30 percent chance of rain. That gives us the number 333(0).

Now we have moved on to the repeated triple digit numbers and in doing so we have once again moved up the vibratory rate ladder. Triple digit numbers vibrate at a very high rate and when we see them we can discern much from our Guides if we just pay attention.

In the book, “Serpent of Light, Beyond 2012”, Drunvalo Melchizedek gives meanings for the triple digit numbers. I have been working with these numbers and their meanings for some time now and I must say, I have found his information to be extremely well founded.

The energy of the number 333 creates a place for us where we have a decision to make, and this decision will lead us either to 666, which means we will have to repeat the current lesson in some other way, or it will lead us to 999, which is the completion of the current lesson. But remember, it is the decision we make that makes that determination. The 0 at the end of this triple number once again adds a special vortex of energy allowing us to more readily take this to the next level. In other words, we are once again being offered extra energy to make the correct decision and complete this lesson so that we may move up the vibratory rate to the next lesson.

I want to take just one more moment to mention that it is not President Elect Obama that is going to single handedly save us. He is only one person playing his role in the work to be done to get us to where we need to go. Grant it, it’s a very important role, but he cannot do this alone. We are all responsible for manifesting the positive changes into the physical that are currently swimming in the ethers.

In our next discussion we will cover a few ways in which we can all do just that. We have to remember, We are All One, and each of us as individuals came here with a very important purpose; to add our own unique energy to the picture and together create a more perfect world.

Until we meet again.

Love, Light and Blessings,


Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2009 Essence Ka tha’ras

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