Greetings To All My Spiritual Family,

In this time of great change we have moved in to, I feel compelled to share with everyone who passes along The Purple Pathe as much healing, loving energy as possible.

The devastation our brothers and sisters, human and otherwise, have and are still suffering though in Japan is a call for each of us to do whatever it is we can to assist in what is needed to heal wounds, old and new, and to support each other though these quickening and rocky times as we move though the last areas of rough waters to shift completely into the New Frequencies into which our Collective Reality is heading. Also, a reminder, not to forget those in other areas of our home planet who are facing their own upheaval and destructive forces as they struggle to come into the new energies.

As Lightworkers and Wayshowers it is imperative we not add to the energies of fear, self-pity and unbalanced forms of empathy. We have worked diligently for many years, indeed many lifetimes to be ready to hold the energy necessary to open wide the doorways for the newly awakening into the Higher Frequency Realms and Dimensions we are evolving into as a Collective Consciousness.

The emotions and energy of fear, loss and apprehension created in those who don’t understand what is happening adds to the storms of upheaval. We must hold energy in balanced, loving and healing frequencies so we too do not add to the disturbance and confusion as we walk through these shifting energies.

I would like to share with you some words of wisdom from P’taah, channeled by Jani King, I ran across many years ago which changed my life. They helped me to change my perspective and move in a forward manner in my own personal Spiritual Journey, and hopefully they will do the same for many of you.

“As you grow in awareness and expand your consciousness you will find that your view of your world also expands.

As you view the dramas and pain and anguish of your brothers and sisters it is important that you balance detachment and compassion.

It is to be in that place of support, open heartedness and unconditional love; to show forth tenderness and giving of yourself, without becoming hooked into the story; without reinforcing feelings of victimhood or powerlessness.”


Channeled by Jani King

From: P’TAAH   The Gift

In sharing those words from the Master P’taah, I sincerely hope it helps many more fully understand and let go of the heavy energies we as Lightworkers and Wayshowers often times find trying to attach to us. It is truly necessary for each of us to do the work we do, in the manner we know is ours to do, in the energies and frequencies most efficient and effective for a loving and healing outcome.

I urge each of you to join in energetically with each other all across the planet, indeed all across our Universe, to bring us through this next doorway into What Is To Be. Let us, together as ONE, create what we know is our next realm of existence.


I would also like to share this web-site with you. If it calls to you, please use it and its energy to assist you in connecting to the Web of Creation.


Hopi come forward with statement on Earth Changes, call to prayer

In Lak’ech Ala K’in

Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



blon · March 15, 2011 at 8:44 pm

Beautifully written, and how true! Your words didn’t need the embellishment of another. The message shined brightly. You carry the light. And you’re holding it ever more gracefully!

Thank you!


    admin · March 15, 2011 at 9:03 pm

    Greetings Sweet Sister of Light,

    Thank You so much for gracing my site with your energy, and Thank You for your kind words.
    It has been and continues to be a true honor to work with you in All the Realms in which we exist.
    Love exudes from every particle of who you are.

    In Lak’ech Ala K’in
    Blessings from All Realms of Creation

    Essence Ka tha’ras

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