
Greetings and Salutations to All my Spiritual Kin,

I have something I would like to share with you today.

Last December I ran across a video on YouTube that inspired me to write the short article I am about to share with you. At the time, I shared it with friends, posted it on a couple other sites friends own and read it at two meetings of groups I belong to.

Recently the video was brought back to my awareness by it being shared by someone on a forum I belong to, and viewing this wonderful video once again brought my article back to my attention.

At the time I did not have this site up and running to be able to share it with you all here; but now… I do. So, I would now like to share both the beautiful inspiring video and my article with you. I hope they both inspire each and everyone who view and read them to take time to truly feel the Blessings they bestow on others as they journey through each and everyday of their lives.

Blessings to Each and Everyone of You….

To read my article and view the video, simply click on the “read more…”

Love, Light and Many Blessings,


Essence Ka tha’ras


90 Seconds of JOY

Greetings and Salutations to All,

I want to share a very simple technique we can all use daily in creating the World of Peace, Love and Joy we are working so hard to manifest.

The great thing about this technique is you don’t have to be an expert at Energy work to do it. You don’t have to understand all of the New Age terminology, lingo and jargon. You don’t even have to believe any of it.

You just have to truly;  with all your heart and every fiber of your being, want to live in a world of Peace, Hope, Love and Joy. A world where all humans are equal, and all children are safe. A place where there is sufficient Abundance for all; and all creatures, great and small are respected for their contribution to the whole.

It starts with each of us BEing the Change We want to See….
