Greetings and Salutations,

A few days ago a friend ask me about the meaning of the number 9. In answer to her question I offer this to share.


Keywords, or Triggers:

Most often in numerology you will see what are referred to as “keywords” listed with each number. Although there is nothing wrong with using this term, I personally prefer the term “triggers“. I prefer this term simple because I feel it more precisely speaks of and describes the process of understanding and experiencing the vibrational messages of numbers.

Each of these “trigger” words carry within them a certain vibrational frequency that upon hearing, (entering our energy field), automatically creates within us certain physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual responses, or “vibrations”. They “trigger” certain frequencies or vibrations within us to activate.

They do so because “we/humans/spiritually energetic beings” have invested time and energy into creating these words, or more precisely, “sound frequencies”, and imbuing them with particular collectively agreed upon frequencies/energies. The ways in which this is accomplished are many, varied and detailed, but in a nutshell we can say it is achieved by focusing attention and emotion, and therefore energy into the thought form. Once the thought form is created, each time it is used it transfers the particular energy assigned to it.

There are Universal and Cosmic frequencies and energies at play in this process also; and it is no accident “We” have attached particular energy frequencies to certain concepts and words, but the words chosen can be any word as long as that word is energetically imbued with the agreed upon “intent” and “emotion”. The use of multiple languages across the planet attests to this.


In answer to the question about the meaning and frequency of the Number 9, I offer the following.

The first thing I usually tell people to help them understand and feel the vibrational frequency of this number is this: “Whenever you think of the number 9….. think of Mother Teresa. She personified the frequency of the number 9.”

The triggers for this number are:









Spiritual Healer


In a numerology chart I would place the following information for the number 9, along with what we have just discussed.

“9 Selflessness


You are here to learn the satisfaction of giving to your fellow human. This can be, and usually is, a difficult lesson. There is little reward in this lesson. Once in awhile the love and friendship that you give is returned, but seldom is the obligation repaid. The satisfaction comes from the simple act of giving. You must learn to place all others before yourself and give just for the sheer pleasure of giving. This must be done with pure intent and not just as lip service. If it’s not heartfelt, it is not true. When you can do this, then you have realized the ultimate lesson in Selflessness and Humanitarianism.

There are many ways to give of your self; one is by helping others. Another way could be by giving of your self in some form of creative expression. But whatever way you choose to give of your self, it must come from the heart and without ulterior motives.”


The number 9 is also often linked with the trigger word, “Completion”. Although the “Completion” aspect of this number is more often associated with the repeated multiple digit form, such as 99, 999, 99:99, etc. Yet the single digit 9 does carry within its frequency field the energy of “Completion” of some aspect or lesson. Usually it points to something on the personal level coming to, or being near, a point of completion for the individual.


For those interested I would like to share the “Daily Card” from yesterday. I find it synchronistic that it came to share with us around this topic.

For those who question the message of the card with the information about the number 9 I have just shared, the difference is between the “Number” 9 itself, and the “Sacred Geometry” of the number 9.

I share yesterdays “Daily Card”:


Card of the Day for……

Monday, June 7, 2010

From the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck,

by: Francene Hart

The number 54 card entitled:


The key word for this card is:



The nonagon depicts nine-sided geometry. Coming from the greatest single-digit number, it is a boundary. Nine is the trinity of trinities and represents perfection, balance, and order. It is Completion.

This card speaks to us of the completion of a cycle in our life. It speaks to us of standing at the gateway to something entirely new, and talks to us of readying our self for the next big adventure in our life. It speaks to us of moving on to the next, but not before we have given thanks to the events and relationships that have served us so well in the journey we are completing. It speaks to us of ridding our self of what no longer serves our greatest good and the greatest good of the collective. There is no need for sadness or regret because everything we have experienced up to this point has made us who we are and brought us to where we are; and where we are is ready to begin the next stage of our spiritual growth and awakenment.

This is a place of great joy and excitement. A place where we can rejoice at our accomplishments and look forward to what we will create next.

If you are not standing at the gateway of your next adventure with a sense of joy and excitement, maybe you need to look and see if you could be holding on to something that has already passed its time of usefulness. Are you stuck in the longing and unwillingness to let go of what no longer serves your greatest good? If you are not existing in a place of joy, this card asks you to find the courage to honestly face yourself and let go of what has served you well, but you have outgrown. Be gentle and nurturing with yourself, but be honest. Know there is a place just in front of you where you can heal and move into new interests and relationships that exist in the realms of Divinity and Joy.

Today, may you find yourself walking through the gateway out of the old and into the new, gratefully leaving behind what no longer serves. You have worked diligently and earned the accolades of the Completion of a job well done.


I hope you have found this article enjoyable and informative.

Until we speak again.

In Lak’ech Ala K’in

Love, Light and Blessings,


Treading Light-ly in Love,

Essence Ka tha’ras



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