Greetings and Salutation,

As I’m sure most are aware of by now, there is an oil leak from a drilling rig explosion that happened in the Gulf of Mexico, which has the potential, and is well on its way, to becoming the largest manmade disaster involving oil in modern history; an oil slick larger than the one created twenty years ago by the wreck of the Exxon Valdez.

Before I begin sharing what I have come to ask of you, I first ask that we all send loving, healing light and energy to the families of those who lost their lives in this horrendous event. These were people just like you and I who were trying to make a living for their families and gave their physical life in doing so. Their families are in pain at the loss of their loved one.

I would also ask that we send loving light to those Spirits who lost their physical life. Many times when something of this magnitude transpires, something so unexpected and energetically intense causes the separation of the spirit from the realms of the physical; those who leave this way get confused and a bit lost. I would ask that we assist them in their transition if they so need it.


I come today to speak not of finger pointing and blame. I come not to speak of, and contribute to, the feeding of energies such as greed, fear and guilt. Those are very dense, low level energies and belong to the realms of the Old Paradigm. They are energies we need not feed; energies we no longer have use for, or desire exist within our realm of reality. They are best left in their proper place, to be dealt with by those who still linger there finishing up their call to awakenment.  They cannot be brought into the high frequency dimensions of Love and Light we seek to create.

As I type this, my Spiritual Guides ask that a Spiritual Clarion Call be sent out to all who are inclined to assist in helping to bring under control the massive wound that has been inflicted on our Sweet Mother, Gaia.

Our Mother calls for our assistance. She cries out for us to come together, not only to lend a spiritual hand to her as she deals with this crisis, but also to lend aid to our flora and fauna family members whose home is being decimated and whose lives are being lost.   Although very capable of caring for herself, Gaia and our spiritual family of the higher frequency realms are asking that WE, the awakened and enlightened beings of humanity, take on our part in being responsible Co-Creators and caretakers of our home and the dimensions of perceived reality in which we have chosen to participate and exist within. They are offering guidance in many forms, coming from many sources and caring hearts. One such caring heart whose words and work I would like to share with you is Daria. She offers simple, yet very effective advise on how to assist in this work. You can find her words here:

There are many beautiful, caring souls sharing with us the ways their higher self and spiritual Guides are asking of them to work with Gaia in this time, and each way is as necessary as the next. We are all Lightworkers. We all are here to make a difference. I urge you to find the ways, the work, which resonates with you individually and make every effort to give it conscious attention. Make this a part of your reality.

Before we begin I send you a reminder.

Love is the strongest and most important ingredient in anything and everything we do. No matter what pathe in this work of assisting Gaia at this time you resonate with and choose to participate in, LOVE…. Unconditional and Pure LOVE……. Is ultimately what will create the most positive growth and healing for all concerned. Above all else, WE must hold LOVE.


What I am being shown and led to share with you is work we are very capable of. Techniques we have known and forgotten across the eons of linear earth time. Techniques we know well. Techniques that are as ancient as are we. Techniques, that today we are bringing back into memory from our ancient past; yet these same techniques are known and taken for granted as a way of life in the timelines of our very distant future and the dimensions of the higher aspects of our selves.

For those whom feel called to this work, in this way, follow me as we begin our journey through time to assist Gaia in this NOW.


First, ground your physical self to the dimension in which you exist as who you are today. This will allow you to work most efficiently and help you return fully and easily to this realm once we finish with this sesson.

Know you are safe. No matter where you travel in the frequency realms, no matter how far we journey into other dimensions, you are anchored to Gaia, your Mother and your home. You are completely safe.

Take two or three deep, relaxing breaths. Once you have found your place of center, look closely at what lies before you. There you will see a large vortex of energy. It is a star gate, a doorway, or portal into the frequency realm we are going to.

Step up to it. Feel its energy. See its movement as it spins. Feel it, become familiar with it.

When you are ready, step through and know you will find yourself standing on the shoreline of a great body of water. All you see before you is water. You have been teleported to a point on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. It may be a place you immediately recognize, or it may be a place you feel you have never been before. No matter if you know this place or not, it is a place of beauty and peace. It is lush and green. The birds sing and the sky is a blue that is alive and knows you. The wind blows a sweet song that the grasses of the marsh dance and vibrate to. The auras of the plants and rocks and water… are all so vibrant and crystalline, there can be no mistake of the aliveness of every thing you see.

You can hear the chatter of the animal life in the forest that lies behind you, just at the shorelines edge. The wildlife speaks to each other of the multitude of spiritual beings that have just appeared on the shores of their home. They are not afraid. They can feel the love we exude. The excitement grows, and their conversations become louder as they pass the news among themselves. They speak with exhilaration of our arrival. Our presence talks to them of some great work. A work of love; a work necessary to assist in another time and dimension, and they too want to be a part of it.

We stand on the shores, luminous BEings of Spirit, and strengthen our connection to each other, and to all the flora and fauna of this beautiful place. We stand in silence, allowing the energy of our hearts to radiate out in waves of peaceful joy as we ready ourselves for the work we have come to do.

Slowly the sounds of excited chatter begin to fade as the indigenous animal life gathers with us and find their places in the branches of the trees, and atop the boulders scattered along the shore.

As all becomes still, we look out across the waters where we can see the iridescent lights of every Spiritual BEing who has come to this place. Having created a complete circle around the gulf of water, we all stand in our place and begin to weave and intertwine the lights of our Spirits, until we have created a loving blanket of multi-colored energy spread across the waters before us. It is a glorious sight to behold; one that we have seen before, yet one that is special in its call.

We, and all assembled, are suddenly filled with an energy of awe. Smiles grow within the core of our being as we see the spectacle before our eyes transform the waters before us. The calm of the surface is being broken as our brothers and sisters from the deep come to join in our work. The whales and the dolphins make their way to the waters edge and nod in acknowledgement as we greet each other and exchange energy as they too, weave their luminous cords of light into the blanket of our healing love.

All stills……. We are ready to begin.

There has been an accident in another timeline of this beautiful planet we call home. The waters whose edge we stand before are in need of assistance. We are here to help seal a wound that has transpired deep within, on the floor of this bed of water. Much damage, destruction and death to our Mother, the plants and the animals, as well as the humans who exist in that time frame has, and will continue to occur unless we lend our support. Our Mother’s Ancient body has been wounded and she calls for us to lend aid.

We have answered that call.

We have begun the process of our healing work by weaving and creating the crystalline energy blanket that now spreads across the waters. We ready ourselves for the next phase of our work.

Some stay on the shoreline. They stay to create the energy of warning to all life forms that there is danger lurking where before there was none. They stay and hold the energy of our healing blanket in tack as others move out onto the waters surface.

Some distance off the shore we encounter a thick, black substance that floats atop the water. It is why we have been called. We are here to assist in the removal of this destructive mass and in the healing of the wound that leaks it. It coats and suffocates any who unknowingly move into it; and it is growing. The wound deep beneath the surface is still open. It oozes and spews through the waters to the surface what belongs to the solid body of our Mother.

We instinctively know the growth of this sticky, black tar must be contained and held to where it is now so that it does no more damage, while we remove and clear what has already manifest. Once again, we strengthen our energetic connection and we quickly build a barrier to hold its growth to where it is now. The whales and the dolphins swim in opposing concentric circles around the outer edges of this floating mass, creating a vortex of energy to aid in maintaining and stopping its growth.


With the growth of the mass contained, we now ready ourselves for the next phase of our work.

Some will stay here, on the waters surface and lend assistance to the whales and dolphins in maintaining control of the growth of the black mass, and in clearing and removing it from the waters. As they do, others prepare to move to the waters floor to where the wound lies open and bleeding.

Once again we strengthen our energetic connection and together we move down and find ourselves standing at the edge of a great wound in our loving Mothers body. It is actually three individual wounds and they pulsate and spew forth her very lifeblood. They are gaping, agitated wounds whose healing calls for the tender touch of our love.

Instinctively we know what must be done and we move in unison as ONE to begin our work.

With one projected, collective thought we erect a Sacred Temple of clear quartz crystal around the area of the wounds. It is an open gazebo type structure, whose circular dome roof is held up by twelve massive crystal pillars, spaced at equal distances around the outer edge of the Temple. It is a place of sacred work and it holds within its form and structure the very energy of Creation its self. It is a place and structure we know well. We have worked within its boundaries forever.

The Temple erected, we move into formation, aligning to create living concentric circles within is boundaries.

Swaying gently, we begin moving the circles in opposing directions.

Building energy, we begin not only to move in circular motions; we begin to add the act of weaving the circles as we dance.

Building the energy within the Temple, we begin to sing an ancient chant of healing and renewal. A sound so familiar, it is as if it were fashioned within the very cells that make up our luminous bodies. So ancient it came into being at the moment of our very creation. It is the sound, the frequency and tone that brings worlds and realities into being. It is the reverberation of Love in its purest form.

It is the sound of Divine Creation its self. We are its creators and it moves to the power of our thoughts and hearts.


The energy now at its peak, we simultaneously come to a stop and instantly we send forth the wave of healing we have come to create. Directing it, ever so gently, to the place in the linear timeline we know it is meant to, and will heal, that which we came to assist.


Slowly bringing our awareness back into the Temple walls, we see the spewing of the black, sticky mass has come to a stop. With our hands and our concentrated thoughts, we carefully and lovingly bring together the edges of the tears that once allowed the lifeblood of our Mother to escape her glorious body. We work with the area of the wound until it is mended and once again whole.

As we work, we can feel the overwhelming love and gratitude of our Mother, Gaia as she thanks us for answering her call and for so tenderly giving of ourselves to assist her in her healing. It is a love and gratitude we share with her and with each other. It is the Love out of which we, and all things were created. It is the frequency of our ONEness.

Having completed our mission, we ready ourselves to take leave of the Sacred Temple.

Just as we created and erected it with one projected, collective thought, so too do we disassemble its form, leaving in its stead a pristine place on the seabed. A place that shows no sign of the once gaping wound we came to heal.

Moving back up to the waters surface, we rejoin our spiritual family who, along with the whales and dolphins, have held safe the outer edges of the black masses form as we journeyed to the site of the wound. We join them in their joy as they share with us the excitement of doing the work of clearing the mass from the surface and all the waters of the beautiful place.



Soon, we all gather and take leave of the surface of the body of water and rejoin our spiritual family on the shoreline, who along with the indigenous flora and fauna stayed to hold safe the boundary of the body of water we came to assist. They too share their joyous experiences of maintaining, holding safe and giving life saving warning to those creatures, and all life forms, the knowledge of the necessity to avoid the black mass that once existed in, and on, the waters of this now pristine place.



We can feel the tugging of our physicality as our work and time here in this distant place nears its completion.

The whales and dolphins begin to move back into the deeper water as they too feel the call to return to this NOW.

We, and they, bid each other farewell, and exchange the purity of the love of our ONEness as we prepare to leave.

Acknowledging each other as the individual sources of energy we each hold, we know with a remembrance beyond word or rational thought… Always are we together, and never are we alone.

One last nod of recognition of our Whole Self within those around us, we once more find our self standing in front of the spinning vortex of energy of the Star Gate and again familiarize our self with it.

When you are ready… step back through the portal and find your self in this here and NOW. Fully intergraded into your physical body, but with knowledge beyond what you began this journey with.



This is the healing work and journey I was asked to share with you.

Know this as truth. Know the healing has taken place.

By giving even a few moments time, energy and attention to this work each day, we will heal this wound and clear its negative effects from our reality.

We have already manifested this healing. We now simply bring it into this dimension.

One last suggestion for this work:

Creating an intention to remind your self daily can be easily accomplished with the use of frequency.

Simply set an intention to be reminded by seeing the triple number 111 – the frequency of energy flow, or the number 11 11 – a call to awaken spiritually.

Any number frequency that speaks to, and resonates with you will work.

Just set the intention and then sit back and watch how many times each day your Higher Self and Spiritual Guides get your attention using it.

Then… do the work, and together we will manifest our pristine realm of Love into the physical.

In Lak’ech Ala K’in

Love, Light and Blessings,


Essence Ka tha’ras



© Essence Ka tha’ras 2010

Please feel free to share this with others, but please do give proper credit. I ask only that, if you share this with others, do so without charge, and please include a link back to The Purple Pathe


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