My mother used to say to me; “One step does not a journey make.” What she was talking about was, for so many they think that by making one change in their life they are through and have done all that is necessary for them in creating the life they say they want. Nothing could be more false.

That was in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, when this whole journey started for many of us. Today I think I would have to change our saying just a bit, so as to speak more directly to those of us known as “Lightworkers”, or “Lightbearers”, or “Light Warriors”. However you see yourself as participating in the work of the New Paradigm, whatever term you choose to describe yourself and the specific work you do, I would say to you now…

One Alignment or Attunement does not an Enlightened Being make

Please do not be offended by my words. As a matter of fact, if you twinge with defense at these words then I would say most definitely you should think about them more and just exactly why they should create within you such a reaction.

In the linear third dimensional times we exist within now, there are many pathes to home; there are many types of work to be done, and many interconnecting tasks that must be accomplished for the shift of the Collective Consciousness to occur in the manner it is meant to. Which for us as Lightworkers means to bring together what has become fragmented into a cohesive Whole, which in the end becomes more than the sum of its parts.

The journey of the Lightworker begins with Self

Each of us began this work with the awakenment of our Self to the remembrance of who and what we really are. In so doing, we took our first step onto the path of Self-cleansing and renewal. First we cleansed and rid our Self of the Illusions we had become trapped in. Once free, we began the arduous and demanding, unending task of Self-regeneration and rebirth.

Unfortunately, sometimes our great strides back into our Spiritual Self hide traps and quagmires we become caught in. Snares so concealed and subtle in their mechanics, so soft in their bindings and restraints, we often do not notice them until much 3D time has passed. Anyone who has been on this pathe consciously for any amount of time knows of what I speak.

What I bring to you today is a reminder

We are in a time of great change. Most of us are growing in our Spiritual Self by leaps and bounds. Although the specific energy work we do as individuals and as groups is extremely crucial to our spiritual purpose and desired outcome, we need to remember the most important work we can do for the Collective Consciousness is the work we do on Self. Do not get caught in forgetting to do the cleansing and releasing of what churns to the surface with every revolution of the spiral’s movement upward as we travel on our journey home. Most of us are extremely efficient these days at doing this work if we only see and recognize the need within our Self to do so. Don’t get caught in the soft and comfortable quagmires of Ego’s Illusions again. Don’t stay in contracts, with Self and others, that no longer serve your forward progress. Don’t allow plush emotional accommodations to stop you and your work’s efficiency now. NOW is when, as Lightworkers, we most need to be honest with Self and look at what we have yet to cleanse and release so as to allow us to complete our task of Co-Creating what is best and yet to come.

One other reminder. Although sometimes it is necessary to make breaks in our closest relationships with others if we are to move forward unimpeded on our Spiritual Journey, more often than not this is not the case. Any of us who are in relationships that are of a destructive nature, and especially those that are detrimental to our physical, emotional and mental well being know if this is the truth of our situation. To those of you in a relationship such as this, I say to you, it is time to move on. Yet for the vast majority something of a less dramatic nature is sufficient.

When we enter into relationships with others, we do so under contract. Some relationships actually require and ask for a contract of the physical dimension; but all relationships require and create contracts of the spiritual realms. Just like the term “contract” implies, there are certain terms, agreements and subtle acquiescence’s we give our consent to comply with. This is what makes a relationship contract. But we did so at the time we agreed to enter into the contract/relationship with another. As we grow and awaken into fuller aspects of our true spiritual selves, we come to points where we realize we are no longer the same person we were when we entered these contracts. This is when it is necessary for us to “renew” and “update” our current contracts. If the other party is in agreement with the renewal, then all can be worked out and a new contract can be entered into with the individual once again. This can be done one of two ways; in a conscious manner, where there is actually a conversation on the physical level with the other person, or on a sub-conscious level with the Higher Self Aspect of the other person, if they are not one who is awakened enough to accept this type of information in the conscious physical dimension.

Is it time for you to look over your old contracts and see if they need to be updated and renewed?


I dare say, one of the most effective tools we have for efficient cleansing and rapid renewal of Self is Gratitude. When we forget to live daily in the energy of Gratitude we lessen the effectiveness of our work, individually and collectively. When we forget to be Appreciative of what we have and what we are, we loose site of Truth. When we forget to be Thankful for the Opportunity to be Conscious Participants in this Great Cosmic Plan of Creation, we waver from our rightful place and work in the birth of the New World of Unconditional Divine Love we came here to help bring into manifestation.

So as you travel through your physical day’s chores, forget not to hold the energy of Gratitude within your energy field, and always take time to share this same vibration with those who cross your pathe as you walk through linear time. Make the conscious effort to radiate forth to all you interact with and walk past, the high vibration of Gratitude and Unconditional Divine Love. For by so doing, you are presenting to them the chance to quickly raise their vibration by resonance.

Seed/Flower of Life

By whatever name you recognize this form, this Sacred Geometric shape holds the energy of Genesis within it. The Beginnings of Change originate and emanate from the Void that is the center of this Sacred Form. There are many ways in which to energetically share vibrational information with others at a sub-conscious level. One that is very efficient and quite simple is by consciously projecting the Sacred Geometric shape of the Flower of Life to another from your Third Eye/6th Chakra to theirs. Even those who still slumber spiritually will recognize this Sacred Form via their Higher Selves. This is a technique that is so simple you can do it as you walk the isles of your grocery stores, or sit in the waiting rooms of your physicians. Anywhere you go, no matter what you are doing in your physical third dimensional life, you can hold your vibrational level up, thereby offering assistance to others through the workings of resonance.

These words I offer in accordance with the Divine Unconditional Love of the One.

Much Love, Light and Many Blessings to Each and All,


Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2009 Essence Ka tha’ras

Please feel free to share this with others, but please do give proper credit. Please, if you share this with others, do so without charge, and please include a link back to The Purple Pathe @

1 Comment

Rainy · September 20, 2009 at 11:05 pm

Dear Essence Ka tha’ras, Thank you so much for your caring guidance. I just went through a passage where your reminders would have been so helpful. So i will keep them for next time and the next.. for a walk again through the shadows will surely happen again and again.
Love light to you and all, Rainy

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