
I wanted to post a quick reminder, (as if a reminder was necessary…LOL), of the fact that we are passing through the energies of 1/11/11 today.

So much can be, and has already been said about the special energy yesterday, 1/10/11 and today, 1/11/11 hold and what it means for us as Lightworkers as well as what it means for humanity, Gaia, and our Solar, Galactic and Universal systems and those who exist in the etheric realms as well.

This is just to share some insights with you that have been brought to my attention by my Higher Self and Spiritual Guides.

As humans in third dimensional forms, the last time we found ourselves in energy as close to today’s was nine hundred years ago on 1/11/1111.

Nine hundred years ago, WE, as humans on earth, were in the early part of what we now call the Middle Ages. War was rampant on earth, politics and religion were coming into a wealth of power and control over vast lands and large numbers of people. It was the beginning of what has brought us to where we are today.

Today we stand on the edge of time and space. We have just cycled through a long and arduous 900-year time.

Nine is a number of Completion. It is the number of Selflessness and Humanitarianism. The two zeros, 00 are energy vortexes used to pull energy into a pin-point position were we can accelerate it, energize it and cleanse it before we release it into the next phase of our work and use it to propel us forward in our spiritual and awakening movement.

The 1:11:11 or 11 1 11 shows us the portal energy, the Doorway if you will, of our Ascension process.

Today, we stand on the edge. We stand ready to complete all tasks before it is time to leap forward into the next phase of our Multi-dimensional Spiritual work.

111 11 represents energy. All energy, in all its forms. 9 shows the last completion necessary to finish an old cycle. 00 gives added energy and power to assist us in our work.

All of this is transpiring only a few day before the beginning of the 9th Wave of Consciousness explained to us by the Mayan Calendar.

Take today and make the connections you need to complete your spiritual tasks at hand so that all that needs to stay in the vibration of the Old Paradigm when you move forward into the New will do so. Cleanse yourself of what no longer serves, and then call forth the energies of the New Earth and use the spiraling motion of the vortex energies we have been gifted with to energies yourself for the leap forward into what awaits us as an Awakened Collective in the very near linear future.

In Lak’ech Ala K’in

Many Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras


© 2011 Essence Ka tha’ras & The Purple Pathe


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